Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I've Been Up To

-Taking melatonin (as recommended by my doctor) for my insomnia issues.

-Been awakened three nights in a row with uncomfortable stomach issues that last for two hours, then go away without any results.

-Googled "melatonin side effects" to see if it's causing my tummy troubles.

-Stopped taking melatonin.  

-Convinced myself (at 2:30 a.m.) that I am pregnant (HIGHLY unlikely) or have a rare form of intestinal cancer (Note to self:  Stop Googling things at 2:30 a.m.).

-Dragging both the girls (but mostly Jemma) all around town in the jogging stroller:  preschool, grocery store, playdates, park, library.

-Listening to Adele radio on

-Making homemade granola and, with the family, eating the whole batch in less than 12 hours.

-Loving the book, having good intentions, but not doing a single, solitary thing to de-clutter my home (surely making Peter Walsh, Expert Organizer oh-so-proud).

-Writing here and here and here.  (That last one is my mom's much-loved chicken lasagna recipe, which gets the most recipe requests out of anything I make.)

-Agonizing (still, still) about whether to send Annie to Kindergarten or Young 5's next fall.  (This deserves its own entire post, which I might get around to doing if I can begin to think rationally about the decision.)

-Oohing and Aahing over spring flowers everywhere we go, and stopping to smell them once in a while, too.

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