Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hardly Anything Cuter

We did a lot of fun things as a family today once I had my long morning run out of the way:  ate chocolate croissants and cookies at Wealthy Street Bakery and checked out the PB&J tasting event next door at Art of the Table; went to the GR Junior League Kids in the Kitchen event, where the girls got to have their faces painted and try healthy food samples, among other things; played "Sleeping Beauty" and drank hot cocoa once the sunshine turned to rain and we were stuck inside; ordered Chinese for dinner; played Memory; and went swimming after dinner.  

Whenever we go to the pool at nighttime, we pack the girls' jammies.  We swim, then we shower and warm up in the saunas before getting jammies on and heading home, where it's great to be able to pop them right in bed.  I love the swimming.  I love sitting in the sauna with Annie's wet little body and watching her cheeks turn pink from the warmth.  I love her constant jabbering while we get dressed.  I love how she thinks she can blow-dry her own hair, how she turns the dryer on, lifts it up, and points it directly into the space on top of her head.  

Arriving home, their two little wad bodies in pink Gap jammies marching through the puddles with their rain boots and their hair still damp, I took a mental snapshot of the moment and thought that hardly anything is cuter than a little girl in jammies and rain boots on a rainy spring night.

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