Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's gloomy and windy today, and I'm trying to decide whether or not to turn the heat on for the first time this year. I wore a scarf to get Annie from school this morning, and she wore a hat on the playground. It's crazy to think that, in 24 hours, I'll be stepping off a plane onto an island, where the weather forecast is for a string of sunny days with highs in the upper 80's.

As of this minute, I am packed. The girls' laundry has been freshly folded and put away, tonight's dinner is in the fridge, waiting to be baked, and the four-page Word document telling my in-laws how to live our life for a week is sitting on the dining room table. My toes are painted. The six books I checked out of the library are packed. My carry-on is filled with snacks, magazines, sunglasses, a straw hat, and a camera.

I don't think it's possible to be any more ready. For the rest of the day, you can find me snuggling my girls extra close, dreaming of tropical beaches, and alternating between panic and anticipation. After that, you can find me here. And here.


  1. Hi Stephanie,

    I hope you have a wonderful time! We stayed at the Maui Marriott a few years ago...it was a beautiful place. I can only imagine the mixed emotions you are having. I dread and look forward to the day when Blake and I get away alone on vacation! Aloha!

  2. Oh my god- do those hotels looks awesome. Hope you're having a great trip, pal. We'll hold down Orchard Ave. for you but the runs will be lonely!!! :) Have fun!!
