So I took them to get haircuts (just solid trims, really), and then took them to Holland and dropped them off at my parent's house so I could get a haircut (highlights, really, since Annie informed me yesterday, "Mom, your hair is BROWN with one string of blond"). And I must say, it was lovely to have a break from the questions and the bickering and the whiiiiiiiiiining. But then I obviously had to put them back in the car and drive them home, and that's when this little gem of a conversation happened:
Annie: "Mom, I wish you could put another baby in your tummy."
Me: "I know you do, honey."
Annie: "How does the baby get IN the tummy?"
Me, stalling: "Well, it just grows in there."
Annie: "Yeah, but how does it get IN there?"
Me: "Well, every grown-up girl has little eggs inside her body, (sees Annie make a disgusted face in the rearview mirror) and sometimes one of those eggs grows into a baby."
Annie: "What makes the egg grow into a baby?"
Me, freaking out internally, panicking, avoiding eye contact, stifling a bizarre urge to laugh hysterically, reminding self to give her only the answer to the specific question she asks, hoping she is easily distracted by something shiny along the road: "The daddy puts something special onto the mommy's egg and makes it grow."
Annie: "Does the mommy eat it?"
Me (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!): "Nope." (Please don't ask the next question, pleasedontaskthenextquestion.)
Annie: "Huh. That's silly."
And I almost died of relief.
Oh no she di 'int. I give you credit! I still resort to the old comeback, "Well, we just wished and wished for a baby and then you were in my tummy!" ha sense....